Available in quarts or one gallon containers.
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1 gallon GSL-4 Treats 1280 gallons gasoline......cost = $45.00
1 quart GSL-4 Treats 320 gallons gasoline .......cost = $15.00
+ shipping
GSL-4 may be used in all grades of gasoline/petro. It meets Federal Regulation46 FR 38582 per The Environmental Protection Agency. GSL-4 contains no methyl,ethyl or isopropyl alcohol.Specific Gravity at 60ºF. 0.797
Flashpoint 109ºF.
Viscosity (SUS@ 100ºF) 30.0 SEC
Pour Point Below -60ºF
Color Red
Initial Boiling Point 318ºF.
Final Boiling Point 418ºF.
Ash Content Less than 0.005%